Hello, I’m
It’s Alan Lechusza, PhD. I define my writing works through critical philosophical approach to pop culture aesthetics and expressions. My research topics and projects take a critical theory directive that strives to dismantle, deconstruct and redefine aesthetic hermeneutics of socio-political power and ideological epistemologies through a dynamic dialectic intersections of pop culture identity and the lexicons of power.
Alan Lechusza, Ph.D., has authored numerous articles and book entries that analyze, dismantle, critique, and explore representations and the significance of pop culture. As a cultural critical theorist, Dr. Lechusza examines the dynamic intersections of philosophy with artistic expressions to deconstruct assumptive modalities of society and identity.
See no Indian, Hear no Indian, Don’t Speak about the Indian: Writing Beyond the i/Indian Divide.’
"Are You (Still) Ready for W.O.R.?" delves into the Native Hip Hop group Without Reservation (W.O.R.) and their innovative use of cultural signifiers and Hip Hop elements. This critical examination reveals fresh epistemological insights and highlights the ideological flexibility of Native identity. The updated edition of this 2009 research includes BONUS TRACKS that showcase the evolution of Native Hip Hop and its ongoing relevance in Native artistic expression. It revisits the original scholarship to evaluate the development of Native critical theories and argues for socio-linguistic pedagogical approaches that underscore tribal sovereignty and self-determination.
Alan is known for his books, “See no Indian, Hear no Indian, Don’t Speak about the Indian: Writing Beyond the i/Indian Divide,” and “Are You (Still) Ready For W.O.R.?!”
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