What Happened to the Indian? Resources Documents

The resources gathered are supplements the presentation, “What Happened to the Indian?” talk and discussion, October 21, 2023.  Each material included outline important events throughout the social and political relationship between American culture, government and legal structures and sovereign Native tribal history.

Department of the Interior

BIA references

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Various resources with supporting links

National Congress of the American Indian (NCAI)

The History Channel

Indian timeline

Native Voices


10 important Indian historical events

Investing in Native Communities

Native Philanthropy

Digital History

Only goes to 1999



Only goes to 2000

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

Apology with supporting link

Library of Congress

Very basic narratives for each section

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

Argument and legal brief on Indian Genocide

Indian Land Tenure Fund

PDF document

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