“Hey Mr.!…Mister! What’s that song?” – An apologetic deconstruction of Broken Wings by Mr. Mister


“Hey Mr.!…Mister! What’s that song?” – An apologetic deconstruction of Broken Wings by Mr. Mister It all started in the 1980s with a sense of trying to feel good The Lyrics, Deconstructed, Analyzed and Apologetically Scored Does the Proverbial Book of Love Ever Open? Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now


TALK TO ME, SISTER: TRIXIE MATTEL AS A POP SOCIAL LINGUIST Alan Lechusza Alan Lechusza Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now

Native Images, Native Reality The art of Catherine Nelson-Rodriguez

Native Images, Native Reality The art of Catherine Nelson-Rodriguez “interpretation is infinite because Meaning is made infinite by desire.” – Julia Kristeva1 Post-script and after-thoughts Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now

A Track for the People – A reading of the Hip Hop track People by Classified

A Track for the People – A reading of the Hip Hop track People by Classified Let the People Speak We The People Pass the Mic to Open the Dialogue Conclusion or more questions? Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now

Insights on Native Identity in Modern Literature Stories of Resilience and Cultural Renewal

Insights on Native Identity in Modern Literature Stories of Resilience and Cultural Renewal The Ongoing Struggle for Recognition Cultural Renewal and Resurgence Family and Community as Pillars of Identity Connection to the Land and Nature Exploring the Intersectionality of Identity Resistance and Activism Intersections of Traditional and Contemporary The Evolving Narrative of Native Identity Insights on Native identity in modern literature Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now

Racial demographic in Arizona and the identification of state racism

Racial demographic in Arizona and the identification of state racism Educational Racism: Arizona’s Ethnic Studies controversy, HB 2281, 2010 – 2017: Appeal of Arizona’s Ethnic Studies Ban: The Impact of an Ethnic Studies Curriculum Conclusion Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now

The Fog of War

The Fog of War The Last First Days Boxing Out of The Box Remember I Was There-Not There The Last First Days Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now


THE DIASPORA OF A FAITH-BASED IM/MIGRANT THE SELF AS AN IM/MIGRANT THE DIASPORA OF A FAITH-BASED IM/MIGRANT Conclusion and Thoughts Alan Lechusza REFERENCES Visit the Blood Sweat Pray Store Quick, fast gift ideas and apparel. There’s something there for everyone. Proceeds go to help the 20+PRAYER campaign aid for the homeless and those in need. Also, don’t forget to G2G1 (GET2, GIVE1)! Visit Now