Introduction – I just want to get along!
I Left Home a Rocker and Came Back a Punk Apologetic Deconstructionist
8 January 2024
The morally bankrupt content of the current global-local state demands a critical epistemological pedagogy in how to contend with the corrupt slaughtering of identity. We could simply silence the phone, leave social media, and turn-off the news each day. This confusing media on-media off relationship begs the question, are we honestly going to try this technique? If we do, how long would it last? Our days are bombarded with sensory overload to the extent that some level of release is needed, urgently.
As a call-to-action, let us each turn-up the volume on our favorite song to the throbbing point of blasting relaxation. But what happens once that song ends?
With a more tempered psyche start to collectively evaluate one’s core valued principles and see how these relate to the time-space-place within the indeterminate global-local landscape. Ease back into recognition of our faith-based philosophical structures. Re-situate our actions-content-meaning to align within the current context.
Following this banal status quo operation, we forget about the release of tension experienced when our favorite song screamed at top volume. We deny ourselves the acceptance of sonic therapy. We tend to overlook how simple unorthodox practices operate to level our anxiety, calm our thoughts, and draw to the foreground our philosophical belief system that we articulate through faith. This mechanism may be a rebellious act thrust in the face of socio-political cultural norms. But, in practice, we did not violate the sanctity of our core faith/belief system. In contrast, we took possession of the phenomenological complexities of a moment and deconstructed these vis-à-vis an identity dialectic.
What’s Punk got to do with it?
A liberal referential discourse of identity points away from self-essentialism. Social media and pop culture expectations objectify authenticity. Environmental, contextual, and social-political norms abject an oppressive script in contest to the necessary stability of faith/belief system and philosophic fundamentals. It is from this ideological point of contact that the fundamentals of punk philosophy and discourse afford a dialectic revision for identity construction. Punk ideology pronounces a dialectic of DIY (Do It Yourself), self-expression, rebellious attitude, critical inquiry, and challenge of established socio-political values, conformity, and authenticity. Punk signifiers and principles have been devalued as a cultural practice connected to anarchism, racism, and anti-establishment projections. In effect, the principles of punk ideology, when read through a lens of a faith/belief system open a dialogue for philosophical freedoms to exist in contrast to the firm cultural lines of identity demarcation. Iman Seepersad, states the “punkitude” came to shake up society and propose an alternative to the solutions, considered too utopian…punk [ideology was] born out of [the] contestation of the established order and in opposition to the previous [cultural standards and] movements.”
In defense of the Apologetics
The apologetics captures two paths to help one fortify their faith/belief system. One avenue is a positive apologetic that argues for the involvement of faith/belief system, historically founded in the classics of Christianity. The other path is a negative apologetic that argues against oppositions to firm structures of faith/belief systems. In either format, the apologetics lends itself to reason for a faith/belief system, provides evidence for faith/belief system, and advocates for the important value of a faith/belief system. (Barnett)
The apologetics provides the intellectual liberty and formation that is needed for individuals to concertize their faith/belief systemic structure. Advancing this epistemological trajectory, the apologetics lessens the need for dependence on external cultural elements to frame identity. Active apologetic rhetoric in practice challenges our lives, actions, contact, and meanings. The apologetics navigates around formations of power in a pattern secure with our core faith/belief system.
Challenging cultural expectations and prescribed identity reifications, an apologetic argument coincides with the philosophical discourse of punk ideology – DIY, self-expression, rebellious attitude, critical inquiry, and challenge of established socio-political values, conformity, and authenticity. These punk signifiers are contained within the dialectic of both the positive-negative apologetic arguments. The apologetics usurps nonfaith/belief systemic evaluations of identity, action, content, and meaning. A punk centered apologetic practice is one that liberates faith/belief systems from objective disorder, ethical bias, socio-political economic marginalization, and the pitfalls of a morally bankrupt glocal-local culture.
By example, the punk DIY apparatus, when scripted with an apologetic reading, no longer a reification of self-determination. An apologetic lens focused on punk’s DIY (Do It Yourself) expression is not grounded upon a singular rationale of self. An apologetic DIY approach and practice secures a faith/belief system in contest to external distractions set upon devaluing faith/belief morality. DIY – Do It Yourself – is apologetically narrated in knowing the value of “why.” An isolated personified action is apologetically transposed into a flexible wide-ranging dynamic that retains a core value of a faith/belief system. A practicing punk apologist articulates the applied knowledge and practice of faith/belief systems in contrast to modern social norms founded upon vacant and ephemeral fads or trends. What the apologetics and punk ideological discourse afford in concert is security for faith/belief systems to critically deconstruction one’s morals and values to strengthen faith/belief systems.
Don’t touch my deconstruction
Deconstruction, as a critical theory pedagogy, is designed to examine an element from a nuclear, smaller perspective toward a global, larger perspective. Deconstruction can demonstrate the complexity of a text just as fluently as how unstable is that structure. When applied to our daily life, a critical deconstructive pedagogy opens the dialogue for us to examine the fragility of our life to note the foundations of our identity. The ambivalence of our actions-content-meaning can be read as a limitation of perspective of identity. An existential perspective of self-devalues the opportunity to secure identity with core morals, values, and faith/belief systems. The argument for structuralism fails when challenged by critical deconstructive application. Deconstructive critical theory functions as a change agent. This epistemology affords identity transformation away from historical narratives through the fluidity of multi-identity hermeneutics. Critical deconstructive theory coupled with punk ideological discourse interrogates the lexicon of identity representation.
Historically poised to function as a binary theoretical tool, deconstruction and punk discourse invite an apologetic core to satisfy a tripartite hermeneutic dialectic for multi-identity flexibility secured with faith/belief systems. This tertiary dynamic offers a scaffolding for a pedagogical practice to obfuscate large and small interjections within our lives. Application of this tripartite agency centers our faith/based philosophical core while dismantling oppressive pressures steaming from an engaged context.
As identity shifts throughout engaged circumstances, the ability to remain secure despite these dynamic identity modifications is what a punk deconstructive apologetic establishes in ethics, logic, and physical dimensions. The gravitational pull of core philosophical faith/belief systems remain stable at a nuclear level. Faith/belief systems become more grounded as the external layers of punk ideological discourse interacts on a surface level. Critical deconstruction dismantles projected biases and socio-political economics of power culturally scripted to force presumptive outcomes. It is this challenge to power structures that activate a punk apologetic deconstructive agent. This liberates identity from limited culturally codified structures of identity formation. A punk apologetic deconstruction critical agency speak with an open voice from faith/belief systems. It is this circular interlocking dialectic of punk philosophical discourse-apologetic fundamental-critical deconstruction that escapes colonial oppressions of identity.
The soundtrack of identity
Sonic therapy satisfies a moment of distress. The morally bankrupt global-local media saturated culture seeks to distract our days by consumption strategies. Identity ownership argues with the ambiguous term authenticity. To navigate phenomenological reductive traps a secure corpus knowledge of self is necessitated. Punk philosophical discourse voices agency for change. Deconstruction critical mechanics dismantle structured assumptive vernaculars. Apologetics remains central to identity and is enhanced by the other two applied critical hermeneutic pedagogies. The result of this epistemological practice is a firm faith/belief system, confident critical tools to challenge (sub)standards of global-local identity dysmorphia and one loud soundtrack to be sounded as a call-to-arms.
Alan Lechusza
References, 12 November 2021.
Barnett, Tim. Why Apologetics? Stand to Reason, 26 December 2018,
Bradbury, M. The scholar who misread history. New York Times, 1991,
Jacques Derrida qtd. Old Dominion University, n.d.
Mambrol, Nasrullah. Deconstruction. Literary Theory and Criticism, 22 March 2016,
Olson, Scott. The Importance of Apologetics. Providence Church, 24 August 2018,
Seepersad, Iman. The Punk movement: which ideologies?. Generation for Rights Over the World (GROW), n.d.
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