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Hello, I’m

Alan Lechusza

It’s Alan Lechusza, PhD. I define my writing works through critical philosophical approach to pop culture aesthetics and expressions. My research topics and projects take a critical theory directive that strives to dismantle, deconstruct and redefine aesthetic hermeneutics of socio-political power and ideological epistemologies through a dynamic dialectic intersections of pop culture identity and the lexicons of power.

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About me

Alan Lechusza, Ph.D., has authored numerous articles and book entries that analyze, dismantle, critique, and explore representations and the significance of pop culture. As a cultural critical theorist, Dr. Lechusza examines the dynamic intersections of philosophy with artistic expressions to deconstruct assumptive modalities of society and identity.

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My Skills

Over the years, Alan has achieved the following milestones:
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See no Indian, Hear no Indian
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See no Indian, Hear no Indian



See no Indian, Hear no Indian

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My Book Collections

See no Indian, Hear no Indian
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About Book

See no Indian, Hear no Indian, Don’t Speak about the Indian: Writing Beyond the i/Indian Divide.’

About Book

My book, "Are You (Still) Ready for W.O.R.?" focuses on the Native Hip Hop group Without Reservation (W.O.R.) and their use of the cultural signifiers and Elements of Hip Hop. A critical reading of selected works by W.O.R. reveals new epistemological discourse and the ideological flexibility of Native identity. Hip Hop’s vernacular and expressive elements are deconstructed and narrated from a contemporary Native perspective. This updated edition of the original 2009 research includes BONUS TRACKS that illustrate the progress movement of a Native Hip Hop canon. The added analysis reviews the original scholarship to see how those proposed Native critical theories have evolved and remain central to a Native center artistic expression. This updated edition argues for socio-linguistic pedagogical theories that articulate the dynamics of tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

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Native Images, Native Reality The art of Catherine Nelson-Rodriguez

Ihab Hassan outlines eleven theoretical points within his article Pluralism in Postmodern Perspectives used to determine the depth of postmodernism.2 Cathy’s art works decisively articulate each of these theoretical concepts,

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Racial demographic in Arizona and the identification of state racism

In 1920, the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce advertised the city as “a modern town of 40,000 people, and the best kind of people, too. A very small percentage of the total population were Mexicans, Negroes or foreigners

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In an era where banned books are up 30–40% nationwide overall (1,477 instances of banned books affecting 874 titles, PEN America 2023), the importance of contemporary cultural language — its use, dialectic,

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When the hoodie talks and the hijab walks, thoughts of social resistance arise — Trayvon Martin and Mahsa Amini

Trayvon Martin wore his hoodie, and he died. Mahsa Amini removed her hijab, and she died. Each of these actions sparked calls to action and civic

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